Dionysius H.R : I Will Give My Very Best.

Indonesia Open ‐ Created by

Having been let down in the first set didn't make Dionysius Hayom Rumbaka gave up the fight. Playing against one of his arch rivales, Hayom forced his opponent Takuma Ueda bended on his knees with Rubber Game, 21-18 12-21 20-22.


In the first set, Hayom was left behind from Takuma. Short balls from

Ueda made Hayom overwhelmed. However, the coach noticed this and
warned Hayom about this in the second set.

“In the first set I was left behind. Finally, I avoided the net at my coach's incretion. As a result, I could turn things around." Hayom said after the match to the press.

However in the third set, he admitted he was a bit traumatic with his previous matches which he had been defeated by Ueda. "we had Deuce, that's because I suddenly remembered when I was playing against him.
There was this dreadful feeling. But I could win the round," he explained.

Hayom had been analyzing and adapting with the situations on the court. To him, this is an advantage for him to play against the next opponenets. "I played today and yesterday. The wind was indeed disturbing but could be managed. I am ready for tomorrow's match," said the player from Surabaya.

Being asked about his preparation and target in the tourney, he said
he didn't have one. He just wants to give the very best. “One match at
a time. No targets in this tourney," said the athlete who withdrew
from Singapore Open.