Tommy Got Rid of The Second Seed

Indonesia Open ‐ Created by

Istora is full of surprises! Probably that is one thing that badminton lovers have to keep in mind. Entering the first round of Djarum IndonesiaOpen Super Series Premier 2013, upsets keep on occurring. One of themis from Tommy Sugiarto who is for the first time successfully overcame ChenLong, the China's seed.

In the first game, having led with 11 - 6, he continued to lead beforefinally winning the match over the All England 2013 champion, 21 - 11.Having left behind 6 - 11 at the interval, with a full support fromthe fans at Senayan stadium, Tommy slowly caught up and shortened thedistance with his opponent, 9 - 12. Having been equal 12-12, IcukSugiarto's son was again left behind, 14-18. However, he then scoredseven points straight and won, 21 - 18.

"In the second set, I just tried to play the best I could. I am

familiar enough how Chen Long plays and applies his strategy; how hereturns the ball. The support from the fans also gave good atmosphereto me, even when I was left behind, they kept supporting me, it helpedme to win the match," he said.

In the second round, Tommy will play against a Hong Kong player, WongWing Ki who just won 21-7, 24-22 over Rajiv Ouseph from England.Playing the match, Tommy who has 1 - 1 record playing against WongWing Ki, stated that he would try his best to keep his focus andconsistency to win the next match.

"I have passed the first test, tomorrow I will try to focus and beconsistent, hopefully, I can win again,' he stated.