Tommy To Follow Hayom in Semifinal

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Although having been left behind, Tommy Sugiarto places another slot in men's singles final phase of Djarum Indonesia Open (DIOSSP) 2013. Tommy successfully crushed R.M.V Gurusaidutt, 19-21, 21-11 dan 21-10 in a 66 minute match.

Tommy Sugiarto, the legendary Icuk Sugiarto's son, was left behind in the first set.

He admitted that he was rushing my play in the first set as that made him left behind.  "In the first set I was rushing my
play. In the second set, I was too left behind yet I was calmer. In the third set, I gained more confidence," Tommy said right after the

He also found out that his opponent had his play inconsistent. “Guru
was being inconsistent as I could turn things around," he added.

Playing calmly and patiently are the keys of Tommy's victory. He bears
in mind his coach advice to breach the semifinal. "Attack when there's
a chance. The coach suggested me to play more calmly. I was too trying
to pull myself out from pressures.I was patiently scoring point after
point,” he described.

In semifinal, Tommy will play against German player, Marc Zwiebler.
Having played against him, Tommy is aware of his strengths and
weaknesses and now he is focusing on tomorrow's match. “I focus on one
match at a time. March has decent power and he is popular in Europe.
For tomorrow's match, I will make use fans' support since I am playing
at home with my strong spirit. This can be one of the motivations I
have," he added.